Nathalia in Flood
Nathalia in Flood
In March 2012, Nathalia's greatest asset, the Broken Creek, became a liability.
An unprecedented rain event dropped around 200 to 450mm of rain across Moira Shire. (About 8 to 18 inches in the old money.)
This flooded paddocks and made its way towards the creeks and drains that fed the Broken Creek. Two-thirds of the Moira Shire was underwater for some time as the water slowly made its way downstream.
Some places such as Tungamah, Katamatite and Numurkah were more rapidly inundated, with many houses being swamped before people could adequately prepare. Others, further downstream, such as Nathalia, Picola and Barmah, had more time to prepare.
And prepare they did! Hundreds of thousands of sandbags were filled. Levee banks were hastily thrown up. Hundreds of local citizens were assisted and directed by the S.E.S, the Army, C.F.A, Police, DSE staff, Moira Shire staff, Dhurringile prison work gangs and others from across the state.
Others assisted in providing food and drinks for the many people working to keep the water out of towns and houses.
While all this work paid off in protecting most of the homes in Nathalia, Picola and Barmah, this does not reduce the heartbreak for those whose houses were inundated, or the thousands of hectares of productive farmland that was covered, and will remain covered, for weeks. As the water retreats, it leaves a black and smelly mess.
Nathalia Printers - 44 Pages