Nathalia Community House Celebrates Christmas

Nathalia Community House Celebrates Christmas

Nathalia Community House Committee of Management and staff enjoyed a very relaxed Christmas breakup on the 7th Dec 2023. Committee Of Management Chair Susan Logie prepared a beautiful meal, including a Christmas pudding. Susan thanked Manager Edwina Fieldman and the office staff Leonie Holmes and Stacey Thorpe for their dedication and commitment to the organisation.

The Community House would like to thank our wonderful volunteers who give up their time to support our Community Car Service, Foodshare and Community Garden. Thank you to our partners NCN Health for their continued support of the Nathalia and District Community Car, Moira Shire, Foodshare Cobram MHA, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Salvo Care, and Services Australia.  Special thanks to Nathalia Fert and Grain for a donation of soil for the garden and the Superb Parrot Project for donation of local native plants.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year and look forward to your continued support in 2024.